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About Us


We are a club of parents and students helping each other to develop critical thinking, leadership and speaking skills. We do not conduct classes. Students may come to the speech and/or debate portions of our meetings. We strongly encourage both since the skills learned in each create an amazing synergy.




Located centrally, along 1-35, 183 and 290 corridors

Our Lady's Maronite Church

1320 East 51st Street, Austin, TX 78723

We meet in the portable behind the church.

Once a month an alternate location is needed: tdb.


September - May


Thursdays (this schedule is subject to minor change)   


4-5 Speech

5-5:30 Together (please eat at home, bring a snack, or bring a quick/sack dinner)

5:30-7 Debate


Evenings are great for dads to join us!


     No meetings on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring breaks.




We encourage students to seek opportunities to take what they are learning out into the community. This will further their communication training and give them the opportunity to be a blessing as they inform, persuade, and delight community audiences. 


For student tournaments our focus is on growth, which is why we compete; as competition, like in athletic arenas, sets a goal to reach. Students may compete in speech and/or debate. We prepare students to compete at tournaments for two leagues. They may compete in one and/or the other league. 

 - Stoa

 - National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA)


We don't train to compete.

We compete to train 

to change the world for Christ.




Student leadership is valued and experienced students will have opportunities to teach and mentor.  


We are a volunteer-run club and require strong parent participation.





Advisory Committee - Mark & Deeann Regnerus, Chris & Linda Maska, Sarah Stokes

Director - Lisa Schroder

Administrator - Linda Maska

Speech Coordinator - Rebecca Ramsay

TP Debate Coach - Rebecca Ramsay

Alumni Coaches - tbd

Student President - tbd

Student Vice President - tbd

TP Research Captain - tbd

LD Research Captain - tbd

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